Phase 4 Inspections
Phase 4 Inspections are for clients that are having a home built specifically for them. Phase I is to inspect Grade, Drainage, Elevation and Footings. During Phase II, we inspect the Foundation / Slab, rough framing and roof. Phase III of the inspection covers the Exterior Walls and Interior. Here, we are also able to inspect elements of the plumbing, electrical, heating and air conditioning ducts that would be near impossible to inspect with finished wall in place. Phase IV is the final inspection of the Plumbing, Electrical, Heating and Air Conditioning (HVAC), Insulation and Ventilation, Appliances, Garage. This type of inspection is the most extensive, the most expensive and the most exciting. At the conclusion of all four phases, Baseline Home Inspections, LLC will have submitted to you four separate reports along with hundreds of photographs of your new home at various stages of construction.
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